QUOTEX: divorce people. QUOTEX honest reviews about scammers

What is QUTEX? Deception of traders. Paul Roberts Visitors: 241 ★★★


Companies selling intermediary services in the Forex financial market periodically appear. In order for users to understand who they can trust, we have prepared a review of QUOTEX operating in Britain.
Our experts have read the Qxbroker.com website, information from public databases.

Qxbroker.com website - overview

Qxbroker.com is a standard web site with minimal information. The user is immediately offered to get acquainted with the tariffs, register an account and "earn".
Contact details - phone number and official address.
No information was found about the experience of providing services, obtained permits and regulatory papers, algorithms for interacting with users.
In addition, for the review of Qxbroker.com, our experts checked the domain data. We found that the domain name was registered for less than a month.
More information can be obtained by registering.
Therefore, it can be confidently stated that there is very little information published on the Qxbroker.com website, which certainly creates suspicion.


Qxbroker.com review - official brand address

Having studied the address indicated on the Qxbroker.com website, our experts have identified many publications about illegal actions related to scams in the Forex financial market.
Our specialists did not find any facts indicating that an official company is registered at the official address with Qxbroker.com.
In addition, it is suspicious that the legal address of QUOTEX is not located in England, where the brand offers its services, but in another country.

QUOTEX overview - phone number

After checking the phone number, our experts identified references to its use in shadow operations. Previously, the phone number was also associated with scammers trying to pose as Internet brokers in the Forex financial market.

QUOTEX review - online reviews

An extremely important part of the QUOTEX review is the analysis of reviews on the Internet. On the official website of Qxbroker.com, our experts have identified a small number of formulaic, false reviews with fake photos and fictitious names.
In the search engines, the issue showed our specialists a large number of negative reviews and reviews of Qxbroker.com.
Basically, people write about the inability to return funds, the poor performance of the software, the impolite behavior of employees.
Accordingly, if you look at the reviews on the Internet, QUOTEX are deceivers.

Gifts for account registration from QUOTEX

Typically, newly established Forex firms offer signup bonuses to newly registered users. Usually these are various nice gifts, such as advice from analytics specialists. However, on the QUOTEX website and promotional materials, our employees found information about bonuses in the amount of the initial deposit. You need to keep in mind that these are the funds that the online broker gives users to earn money on Forex, and not some coins that do not go beyond the system.
This is very suspicious, since with such gifts the term for receiving income from the user is delayed, at tangible costs.
In principle, we can conclude that the reason is the extraordinary kindness of Qxbroker.com, but in practice everything is much simpler. Investments are not withdrawn from the system, since all the work of Qxbroker.com is a scam.

Account types for Qxbroker.com

On the Qxbroker.com website, you can actually find many types of accounts that differ not only in working conditions, but also in the size of the initial deposits. This is a standard technique for pushing traders into significant deposits, buying a more expensive type of account.
Traders can sell personal advice from analysts, guaranteed profitable operations, access to exclusive information. However, this is all a lie, used only to extract deposits.
It must be remembered that no matter how much money you transfer, they will go to scammers, since Qxbroker.com are scammers.


Leverage is a common tool for conducting transactions on the Forex market, which makes it possible to trade for an amount much larger than the user has. The missing deposits are taken on credit from the broker. Firms that provide their traders with the opportunity to make trades with high leverage take a serious risk, so they only give this opportunity to experienced players. But Qxbroker.com are scammers, therefore they use leverage to drive their people into the red and beat out fake debt repayments.

Refund time

Traders conduct operations on Forex in order to make a profit. Of course, this is unrealistic without the possibility of withdrawing money. So the question is born: "what are the terms for Qxbroker.com to receive funds"? On the site, our experts found information that the withdrawal of money is made without delay and without commissions. In practice, even large, registered online brokers do not always provide such working conditions. What's the catch?
The fact is that QUOTEX are scammers and do not plan to give customers the opportunity to receive deposits. Therefore, they are ready to promise the best conditions. But all their offers are scams.

Reviews appeared before QUOTEX started working

As our staff said above, the QUOTEX website has been in existence for less than thirty days. However, on well-known sites, you can find reviews that are three months old.
Most likely, before the start of the fraud, QUOTEX employees ordered custom mentions on popular resources so that traders would get the impression that the organization had been operating for a long time.

Some of the mentions about Qxbroker.com:

Have you met free cheese? QUOTEX are full-fledged scammers, QUOTEX promises confident earnings and excellent conditions, and in the end they will undress you and then run away with finances.

Have you delved into the history of Qxbroker.com? As soon as you start to delve into their reviews, it becomes clear that Qxbroker.com are bandits. Don't count on working with them.

I studied how to really see the openness of brokerage work in the Forex market. Qxbroker.com forced me to cooperate on unmatched conditions, and I was very wary, until I found comments, I will definitely not contact QUOTEX.

I blew $200 here, seemingly not much, and yet, somehow, a nasty balance. For a part of the population, and this is palpable, my lesson to you is do not work with this broker.

Some time after registration, I guessed that the broker was not real, multiple standard details were not visually indicated in the account. It is easier to deceive the inexperienced, but I have not been an inexperienced user for a long time.

After a couple of transactions, he asked to withdraw funds to a personal account, leaving $ 600 for future work. He asked for a withdrawal of funds, but they contacted me and advised me not to transfer now, but on the contrary to invest more, since it is today that the prospect of raising income will appear. I did not give my consent and my investment was blocked.

QUOTEX review - trial period

There is no test access to the service on the Qxbroker.com website, which allows you to understand the level of services offered.
QUOTEX employees want the user to immediately transfer personal information to them and make the smallest payment.

QUOTEX review - withdrawal of finance

Theoretically, the withdrawal of the user's money is carried out using the form on the QUOTEX website. Makes you doubt that anyone can use it, without an account. That is, the application will be considered in manual mode, which is unrealistic with a serious number of clients.
We concluded that this form is only used to show future victims that it is possible to withdraw the investment, but in reality it does not work.

Paul Roberts
Paul Roberts

Paul Roberts 51 years old Born in Edinburgh. Married. Studied at University of Oxford, Department of Public Policy and Social Work. Graduated in 1997. Works at Standard Life Aberdeen plc.

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