In this section you will find articles dedicated to sports, new equipment and brokers.


Articles written by professionals.

Views:700 | 29 / 03 / 22

Hyperinflation - what is it and why is it dangerous?

Hyperinflation is easier to prevent than to stop. For the country, this is the collapse of the monetary and financial system, which leads to the destruction of commodity-money and credit relations, the loss of confidence in the national currency

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Articles written by professionals.

Views:674 | 25 / 03 / 22

Summers: A positive shift in the US Federal Reserve, high growth will cause inflationary pressure in itself

The Fed now wants to keep unemployment at 3.5% for three years and keep rates below neutral. At the same time, he expects inflation to decrease. Indeed, it is possible that this will happen, but I would not expect it.

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Articles written by professionals.

Views:671 | 23 / 03 / 22

Stock market forecast: closing of the Hungarian Aegon deal is positive

The sale for 620 million euros relates to the majority of the sale in Central and Eastern Europe of 830 million euros, which was announced earlier. It is expected that the sale of activities in Poland, Romania and Turkey will be completed at the end of this year.

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Articles written by professionals.

Views:667 | 16 / 03 / 22

Commodities: The 10 Most Popular Commodities to Trade

In this article, we will take a detailed look at the ten most traded commodities in the world, as well as what drives their prices and how you can trade them!

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Articles written by professionals.

Views:666 | 13 / 03 / 22

How to trade oil in the face of rising energy prices

Supply-side constraints in energy markets have seen commodities such as natural gas and wheat hit new all-time highs, while oil prices approached all-time highs not seen since the 2008 financial crisis.

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Articles written by professionals.

Views:457 | 08 / 03 / 22

Trading from scratch and Forex strategies for beginners

Forex trading for beginners can be especially challenging. However, we will try to help you understand all the intricacies of trading in the foreign exchange market and give you an idea of how to start trading Forex from scratch.

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Articles written by professionals.

Views:691 | 04 / 03 / 22

What is cryptocurrency - Bitcoin, Ethereum and more

Digital money needs accounts, balances and transactions to function. The problem with each payment network is to prevent double consumption, so that the operator cannot use the same amount twice.

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Articles written by professionals.

Views:664 | 03 / 03 / 22

Game on the stock exchange. Option for beginner traders

In general, currency futures are the most promising instrument on the market, experts say. The most liquid are the so-called mini-futures, the most popular and speculative currency futures are futures on the currency pair Euro / US Dollar

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Articles written by professionals.

Views:802 | 18 / 02 / 22

Green taxonomy, review and opinions on the project

The EU plans to become climate neutral by 2050. To achieve this goal, CO2 emissions must already be reduced by 55 percent by 2030 compared to 1990.

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Articles written by professionals.

Views:795 | 16 / 02 / 22

Cryptocurrency Trading - Uncovering Achievements and Goals

By owning or investing in cryptocurrencies, you can also earn money. There are risks associated with this, just like with the traditional stock market.

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Articles written by professionals.

Views:711 | 03 / 02 / 22

Facebook: unprecedented Meta collapse on the stock market after the first fall of active users of the social network

Parent company Meta Networks (formerly known as Facebook) admitted that the number of daily active users fell to 1.929 million in the last quarter of 2021, compared with 1.93 billion in the previous quarter.

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Articles written by professionals.

Views:676 | 22 / 01 / 22

Three investment hypotheses that can significantly improve the financial situation

German venture capital firms face stiff international competition when it comes to leading companies and have something to offer start-up teams.

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